Monday, July 28, 2008

Wonder or Wander,

We always that life is a WONDER, how wonderful life is, wonder here and there. But right now all that is in my mind is WANDER. Wandering what is she doing? Wandering if I should call her ? Wandering if there's any chance for a change ? Wandering how is she coping up with things ?
All this "wanders" gather up makes me even wander what actually happen.
I've been trying to escape from this wander that what actually happen. But as i force myself to escape the cut just go deep n deeper. It's easy go up to people and tell them it's all gonna be alright, time will heal. But its never easy to accomplish or even step up to even do it.
How about this a better one, "WHY GIVE A WHOLE FOREST JUST FOR ONE TREE". Sadly to say this, but to me this currently i feel that this is no ordinary tree. I somehow or rather feel that I couldnt find anymore unique tree like this anymore in any forest in this round world.

I don't want to say much already for now...I must get myself back for this moment to start work. Where have the undisputed and invincible CODY TAN has dissapear. GET TO WORK CODY TAN


Edward said...

Well, how we value a tree is all up to us. You've been through a lot and found alot of TREE's which makes you do WONDER.

Believe me, it's all in yourself bro. I see that you are motivated by other TREES but why not be motivated to strengthen your own seed and be more serious in life. Nurture your ownself and make sure it grows bigger and stronger.

Do you know why you always break down like this, cause your own roots is not strong enough, find out how to strengthen it and you'll be just fine.

You know, let me tell you a story, there was this king, a very powerful king. But one day, he was thinking, how to get himself motivated if he lost everything. He was thinking how can i be motivated if I lost EVERYTHING.

So he held a meeting with his ministers and asked for their opinion, and one of them suggested to him to find a WISE monk in the forest. So the king organized his trip and it took him 1 week to finish his preparations.

When he arrived at the place there he found out that the monk just passed away. Feeling frustrated that he didn't get his answer, he started blaming his ministers for taking so long for his departure and prepared to leave.

But before he leave, the monk's deciple, who is 10 years old came to him and asked him, "King King, please don't leave yet, why did you come to see my master for? Please share with me and I might be able to help you out.".

The king thought about it, and decide to give this boy a chance to answer him, so he shared with him what he is looking for and asked if the boy knows the answer.

The boy thought for awhile, and replied the king, "Well this is indeed a tough question, but before my master died, he left me a small cube with a note inside it, and ask me to open it only if I am really in trouble. I guess this will be able to answer you".

The boy gave the small little cube to the king with a small note inside it. The king agreed that he will only open it when he is really in trouble and kept it around his neck.

Years passed, and the King's kingdom got conquered. He lost everything and he was running away alone. While he was running, he fell and dropped into a pool of mud. Then he remembered the small little cube he have with him. He told himself "What could be worst that this situation now, I've lost everything. I think this is the time for me to open this message".

When he opens it up, the message says this: "This will pass"
Feeling true to the meaning of this message, he went to his neighbour country and organized a new army to take back his kingdom. He was truly victorious and gained back what he have lost.

After his victory, he threw a big party to celebrate for 30 days and 30 nights. During his celebration, one young monk rushed to him and called for him. "King! King! do you remember me, the small monk that you met about 10 years ago?".

The king immediately remembered him and personally came to greet him and thanked him for the message. He said if not because of him, he would have given up hope.

The monk said, "Oh i came to give you another message, i forgot to mention this to you when we first met. This message is also meant for you when you are in best moments".
Realizing it, the king ordered the celebration to stop and for the rest of his life, he lived a balanced life and being satisfied throughout his life.

What is the moral of this story?
In life, there will be great moments and there will be bad moments. But all will pass and life will still go on. Thus always remember, don't be over happy when you are UP there, and don't be over sad when you are DOWN there. Just live on and you'll be just fine.

Sh@n said...

believe me,time will heal. this is my experience, me and my x also like that,i know how you feel, i felt sad last time, and the feeling of betray also, it is too bad. but this is what we need to face in our life, once we pass through then everything will be ok.

do you want to spend your time to love a girl who loves others? do you want to spend your time on this small tiny thing? do you want to spend your time to think about the pass? ask yourself. the whole world is moving, but u still step on the same point, and keep looking back! what for?

listen to me, give urself a time limit, few weeks, few months or half year, you can cry everyday, do whatever you want to do in this time limit( do whatever you want = agak-agak la, dont too....), then you can wake up, then let it go.

you know, i use half year to heal my scar. At the beginning, i hv the same thinking with you last time: how can i live without him, i loves him y he wants to leave me, he is my only one, bla bla bla... hahaha... you know what i think nw? how stupid i m! y i hv this kind of thinking b4? walao.... what i m doing in that half year, waste my time, make others worry about me, make them sad becoz of me, what for?
no one cant life without him/her, believe me.everything will be ok soon, it's depend on your decision.

my english not so good, i believe explain in chinese is better. haha